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fire warden
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.
an official responsible for fire protection and control.
The said Fire Warden shall . . . carry about with him on occasion of Fires, a staff or some other visible distinguishing badge of office.
He will carry out the necessary measures, such as the appointment of Fire Wardens and Engineers, the building of cisterns, the storing of gunpowder, and other improvements, without delay.
"The apparatus is to give warning if a dry spell is coming. If it is, I keep a sharper look-out and tend my tower sharper, for I'm the fire warden."
a government official engaged in the prevention and control of forest fires.
See: fire-ranger
. . . the fire wardens at any of the outlooks seeing the smoke of a bush fire can at once get together a sufficient number of men to extinguish the fire in its incipient stages.
It was the summer the Provincial Government in an "economy" programme had cut down on fire wardens.